Support Us
Christ For India takes care of hundreds of children on a daily basis, who live in the Nava Jeevan Children’s Home on campus. Many are orphans or have only one parent or both who can’t financially provide for their children.
A first-class education in a Christ-centered environment is offered from kindergarten through twelfth grade at the Nava Jeevan Public Institution. Students include not only the children on campus, but also children in the villages surrounding.
Your gift will provide lodging, meals, healthcare, and education.
You can also help train and equip a student to obtain their bachelor’s or master’s in Theology from our accredited seminary. There are currently more than 100 students attending the seminary. After training, they will be sent out as pastors and evangelists to reach the lost for Christ throughout the world.
Your gift will provide lodging, meals, healthcare, and education.
Christ For India has many pastors who are pioneering church plants in unreached village areas. We have more than 150 missionaries who need your help. You can provide rice ant rent through your sponsorship. Your gift will help reach a village for Christ.
Your gift will provide rice and rent.
To support a native pastor and his family, you can give $50 or $100 monthly.
Our campus teachers are dedicated to providing the highest level of education for the children in India.
Your gift will help provide towards their salary.
Our faculty members are dedicated to equipping the students to reach the lost in India.
Your gift will help provide towards their salary.
Our medical staff provides free first aid and consultation on campus and in the surrounding villages.
Your gift will help provide towards their salary.
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