[image shadow=”true” border=”true” title=”Disciple the Nation of India” caption=”Christ For India Exists to Fulfill Christ’s Great Commission to India by:” size=”medium” height=”105″ width=”280″]https://christforindia.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/map-india.jpg[/image]
Disciple the Nation of India
Christ For India Exists to Fulfill Christ’s Great Commission to India by:
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[li]Training nationals as pastors and evangelists [/li]
[li]Establishing native churches[/li]
[li]Providing humanitarian aid[/li]
[li]Educating India’s future leadership[/li]
[image shadow=”true” border=”true” title=”DR. & MRS. P.J. TITUS – FOUNDERS” caption=”DR. & MRS. P.J. TITUS – FOUNDERS” href=”https://christforindia.org/about-cfi/” size=”medium” height=”105″ width=”280″]https://christforindia.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/AboutImage.jpg[/image]
– Founders
God placed a heavy burden on the heart of Dr. P.J. Titus for the people of his native land of India. Read more…
[youtube id=”-nf9E2nPKVA” width=”280″ height=”200″]
[image shadow=”true” border=”true” title=”Sponsor a Field Worker” caption=”Sponsor a Field Worker” size=”medium” href=”#”]https://christforindia.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/home-field-worker.jpg[/image]
Twice a year, CHRIST FOR INDIA sponsors and hosts educational and inspirational conferences for thousands of pastors and delegates. International speakers and teachers are brought in to teach and encourage the national pastors who are serving in India’s mission field.
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[image shadow=”true” border=”true” title=”Sponsor a Child” caption=”Sponsor a Child” size=”medium” href=”#”]https://christforindia.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/home-child.jpg[/image]
CFI takes care of 350 plus children, including orphans, in the New Life Children’s Home on campus. If it were not for the children’s home, hundreds of India’s children would still be living on the streets with no hope of a life free of danger, starvation, begging, or even slavery.
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[youtube id=”6gkqSCX0C2g” width=”280″ height=”200″]